European Roulette


In European Roulette, a small, white ball is released on a spinning roulette wheel. The roulette wheel has slots that are colored and numbered. The goal of European Roulette is to predict on which color, number, or group of numbers the roulette ball will land. In this type of roulette, the wheel has 37 numbered slots, including a 0 slot.

To Play

  • Tap chips to set the amount to bet with each tap or tap Rebet to place the same bets you made on your previous spin.
  • If you did not tap Rebet, tap an area of the roulette table to place a bet within table limits (The Minimum and Maximum amount of money you can bet. Refer to Placing Bets below for inside and outside bets description).
  • Continue to tap different areas of the roulette table to place multiple bets.
  • Tap Clear if you need to remove all your bets from the table and start over.
  • Tap Spin to spin the ball on the roulette wheel.
  • Tap/click chips to set the amount to bet with each tap/click or tap/click Rebet to place the same bets you made on your previous spin.
  • If you did not tap/click Rebet, tap/click an area of the roulette table to place a bet within table limits (The Minimum and Maximum amount of money you can bet. Refer to Placing Bets below for inside and outside bets description).
  • Continue to tap/click different areas of the roulette table to place multiple bets.
  • Tap/click Clear if you need to remove all your bets from the table and start over.
  • Tap/click Spin to spin the ball on the roulette wheel.

  • Click chips to set the amount to bet with each click or click Repeat to place the same bets you made on your previous spin.
  • If you did not click Repeat, click an area of the roulette table to place a bet within table limits (The Minimum and Maximum amount of money you can bet. Refer to Placing Bets below for inside and outside bets description).
  • Continue to click different areas of the roulette table to place multiple bets.
  • Click Clear if you need to remove all your bets from the table and start over.
  • Click Spin to spin the ball on the roulette wheel.
  • To remove a bet, right click on the chips of the particular bet you want to remove. Bet removed is the same value as the chip stack. If the chip stack value is higher than the bet, the whole bet will be removed.

Placing Bets

In Roulette, you can place an outside bet or an inside bet.

An outside bet is placed on large groups of numbers or on a single color. Outside bets include bets on Red, Black, Odd, Even, 1-18, 19-36, 1st 12, 2nd 12, 3rd 12, and the 2 to 1 columns. Outside bets have better odds of winning and lower payouts.

An inside bet is placed on a specific number or a small group of numbers. Inside bets include straight up bets, split bets, street bets, corner bets, and six-number bets. Inside bets have lower odds of winning and higher payouts.

Bet Types and Payouts

Bet Description Payout
Red Winning number will be red. Even Money
Black Winning number will be black. Even Money
Odd Winning number will be odd. Even Money
Even Winning number will be even. Even Money
1 - 18 Winning number will be between 1 and 18. Even Money
19 - 36 Winning number will be between 19 and 36. Even Money
1st 12 Winning number will be between 1 and 12. 2:1
2nd 12 Winning number will be between 13 and 24. 2:1
3rd 12 Winning number will be between 25 and 36. 2:1
2 to 1 Column Winning number will be in the selected 2 to 1 column. 2:1
Straight Up Winning number will be the exact number bet on. 35:1
Split Winning number will be one of two adjacent numbers. A split bet is a single bet on two numbers. You win 17:1 if either number wins. To place a split bet, click on the line between two numbers.
Split Bet
Street Winning number will be one of the three numbers in a row. A street bet is a single bet on three numbers. You win 11:1 if any of the three numbers win. To place a street bet, click on the right-hand line on the outer edge of the three numbers.
Street Bet
Corner Winning number will be one of four adjacent numbers. A corner bet is a single bet on four numbers. You win 8:1 if any of those four numbers win. To place a corner bet, click on the intersection of four numbers.
Corner Bet
Corner (0, 1, 2, 3) Winning number will be either 0, 1, 2, or 3. A corner bet (0, 1, 2, 3) is a bet on the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3. You win 8:1 if any of those four numbers win. To place this special corner bet, click on the right-hand corner shared by 0 and 3.
Corner Bet (0, 1, 2, 3)
Six - Number Winning number will be one of six adjacent numbers. A six-number bet is a single bet on six numbers. You win 5:1 if any of those six numbers win. To place a six-number bet, click on the right-hand corner shared by two numbers on the right side of the table.
Six-Number Bet
Neighbor Bet Winning number will be the number selected on the oval table or one of two numbers to the right or left of that number on the roulette wheel. A neighbor bet places a bet on the number selected from the oval table as well as on two numbers to the left and right of that number on the roulette wheel. To place a neighbor bet, click on any number on the oval table.
Neighbor Bet
Voisins du Zero Winning number will be 0, one of seven numbers to the right of 0 on the roulette wheel, or one of nine numbers to the left of 0 on the roulette wheel. Bets are split between numbers that are adjacent to one another on the rectangular table. The 0,2,3 split and the 25, 26, 28, 29 corner bet are made using two chips. All other splits are made using one chip.
A Voisins du Zero bet places a bet on 0, on nine numbers to the left of 0, and on seven numbers to the right of 0 on the roulette wheel. To place a Voisins du Zero bet, click on Voisins du Zero inside the oval table.
Voisons du Zero Bet
0, 2, 3 11:1
25, 26, 28, 29 8:1
4, 7, 12, 15, 18, 21, 19, 22, 32, 35 17:1
Tiers du Cylindre Winning number will be a number between 33 and 27 on the oval table (33, 16, 24, 5, 10, 23, 8, 30, 11, 36, 13, and 27), it is a bet on a third of the oval table. Bets are split between numbers that are adjacent to one another on the rectangular table. To place a Tiers du Cylindre bet, click Tiers du Cylindre inside the oval table.
Tiers Du Cylindre Bet
Orphans Winning number will be 1, 6, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31, or 34. Bets are split between numbers that are adjacent to one another on the rectangular table. The number 1 does not share a split bet and the number 17 shares a split bet with both 14 and 20. To place an Orphans bet, click Orphans inside the oval table.
Orphans Bet
1 35:1
6, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31, 34 17:1

Game Controls

  • - Tap to open the help page or access other options available for the game.
  • Play for Real - When available in FUN mode, tap the button to play with real money.
  • - Tap/click to open the help page or access other options available for the game.
  • Play for Real - When available in FUN mode, tap/click the button to play with real money.
  • Balance - The Balance is the amount of money available in your account. You can use your balance to place bets. It could be a Fun Balance or your Real Balance depending on the game mode selected.
  • Cashier - Click Cashier to deposit money, withdraw money, redeem coupons or review past transactions.
  • Switch to Real Money - When available in FUN mode, click Switch to Real Money to play with real money.
  • Menu - Click Menu to open the menu and access Player Options and History.
  •    Player Options - Click Player Options to turn full screen mode on and off, adjust the volume, turn dealer voices on and off when available and adjust card speed.
  •    History - When active, this option will open a new window with a report of the games played to help the player track or validate results.
  •    Screen Capture - When active, you can use this option to capture a screenshot of the game displayed.
  • Help - Click this button to open the help page for the game. When chat service is active, the option to start a chat session will appear here too.
  • Back - Click Back to close the game and return to the casino lobby.


These rules are believed to be an accurate representation of appropriate game play. They may or may not contain errors and/or omissions. We reserve the right to correct and/or change these rules at anytime with or without notice to the player. Malfunction voids all plays and pays.

The translations of materials into languages other than English are a convenience for players who do not read English. These non-English translations have been done by machine translation. We have tried to provide an accurate translation of the original material from English. However, if there are inconsistencies between the English version and the contents of this help file, the English version will control. If you desire to review the original document in English, press the “Game Help Button” from any English language casino or contact your Casino.